10 Reminders for Writers Broadcasting to an Audience of None

1. Most people start out writing to a very small audience. This is a normal part of the journey — there probably isn’t anything “wrong” with your writing, or with you.

2. All writers make mistakes — especially in the beginning. At least messing up when there’s no one around to judge you isn’t so bad, right?

3. A loyal, worthwhile audience of readers takes years to develop. It shouldn’t happen overnight.

4. Writing is for your benefit as much as it is for other people. Just because you’re the only one seeing it doesn’t mean you can’t learn and/or gain something from it.

5. Your words still matter. As long as they matter to you.

6. Just because people haven’t discovered your work yet doesn’t mean they never will.

7. “Writing while no one’s watching” is the best time to experiment, find your voice, and improve your craft.

8. Writing success has nothing to do with the size of your audience.

9. As long as you stick with it and always work to improve, your audience will grow. Passion and high-quality writing draw crowds.

10. Don’t give up just because you feel alone. If you feel like you’ve been waiting too long for your readership to grow, you still probably haven’t been patient long enough.

Meg is the creator of Novelty Revisions, dedicated to helping writers put their ideas into words. She is an editor and writer, and a 12-time NaNoWriMo winner. Follow Meg on Twitter for tweets about writing, food, and Star Wars.

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  1. Hetty Eliot Avatar

    I believe that if one person reads something and it helps them or encourages or lets them know someone else is going through the same stuff and they’re not alone, it’s worth it.

  2. victoriarose002 Avatar

    Thankyou for this, is definitly reassuring. I often struggle to find the motivation when I know that not many people are going to read what I have written, however the learning and development process is so important.

  3. Don Massenzio Avatar

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